Friday, November 2, 2012

Nanowrimo, You Will Not Defeat Me This Time!

Remember this time last year, when I was all gung-ho and convinced that I was going to conquer Nanowrimo in a fashion not entirely like Rome conquered...well, almost everywhere else back-when.  (What do you mean I don't have the best grasp on that whole situation?  I'd be offended if you weren't probably right.)


I've reconciled with Nanowrimo, who I quit a few days into November last year because like a petulant child I decided that I just didn't wanna and it was too hard and a litany of other excuses that amounted to: hey, this takes time and effort and I don't want to give it.

This time around I've come in with expectations that I can finish a novel in month, but only if I actually write every day and temporarily give up other things.  (Not Once Upon A Time, though.  I refuse to give up that show.)

And I've rediscovered something I already know: I flow better when I handwrite first and then transfer it to the laptop later.  There's nothing that makes my brain freeze quite as much as staring at a blank computer screen does.

Also, it helps to have positive reinforcement (bizarre-o, right?), as when you mention to people that you're attempting to write a book and then they almost beg you to let them be a first-wave reader and give you feedback to which you say yes because who DOESN'T want people to want to read and critique them?

More blogs forthcoming probably.  The more varieties of writing I'm doing, the better the juices flow.

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