Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Being Led

Last night, after finishing dinner, my roommates and I were talking.  Those, in my opinions, are always the best times.  The run-of-the-mill conversations that lead to interesting topics and places unanticipated when the conversation started.  Anyway, one of my roommates asked the following question: "How do you know how to be led?  How do you let yourself be guided?"
She was, of course, talking about divine guidance.  So we started discussing how we knew when we were being guided and how we knew when we were headed in the wrong direction.  And then I found myself saying that I often have to take steps in any given direction before I feel that I am being led.  (Or not led, as the case may be.)
Elder Scott (I found the reference--I'll have to show my roommate) gave a talk about answers to prayers where he talked about the efforts required in order to achieve an answer.  And how sometimes, when we don't get an answer, it is Heavenly Father showing that he trusts us to make the decision.
I realized this about myself later than I would have preferred, but it's something I implement now: I think out and start doing something before I kneel down and ask if it's the right thing.  Then--usually--as I keep doing what I'm praying about, I get a feeling about whether I should continue or not.
None of my pleas have ever been completely answered until I implemented a solution I thought could work.  Just as I never visited a friend for math help until I'd done the homework, I personally cannot justify begging for help until I've tried to figure out a solution.  I was given a brain for a reason, after all.
As I was telling my roommate about this last night, I suddenly realized that lately I have not been practicing the pattern that I know works.  Especially when it comes to matters regarding my job.  So this morning before I left for work, I said a quick prayer indicating that I was handing in my resignation letter today.  That I would be committing to leaving my job on June 20.  And then I came into work, and I did exactly what I prayed about.
Want to know something?  It feels good.  And even though I do not have my next place of employment lined up at the moment, I have faith that I've taken steps toward getting new jobs as well.  And I know something will work out.
I've also remembered I have to take steps before I feel a guiding influence.  I plan to keep walking.
Unless it feels wrong.  Then I'll stop.


Schmetterling said...

Ah, the leap of faith. It's always so good to feel the reassurance that comes afterward.

But now I bet you have to deal with "You killed my puppy" looks from your coworkers, huh? At least, the ones that like you.

(No. I didn't read your next post before I read this one; why do you ask?)

Jenny said...

"I was given a brain for a reason, after all." lol.

Hm... Acting first then asking... I like that idea. And yeah, that makes a lot of sense. He can't really give you an answer that what you're doing is wrong or right unless you're actually doing something. Nice thought. ^.^