Tuesday, May 20, 2008

And This is How I Entertain Myself at Work (Excerpted from E-mail to Co-Worker)

Per the dictionary of Katie.  It’s the one to have:


snarky (adj.): prone to poking fun at any and all people in any and all circumstances in a pointed way.  Or not pointed way.  But usually pointed.  Therefore, Katie poking fun at passive-aggressive co-worker when she’s highly annoyed with said co-worker is being snarky.  Katie poking fun at most anyone else is being either sarcastic, a smart aleck, sassy, or facetious.


sarcastic (adj.): prone to dry humor at other’s expense.  See also “Katie’s main mode of verbally expressing herself in a funny way.”


sassy (adj.): can either be of the rraaar come-on-to-me variety, or the I-can’t-take-anything-seriously-and-I-talk back variety; Katie employs the latter definition, of course.


facetious (adj.): not serious at all . . . in other words, Katie’s permanent state of being at work when she talks about anything not related to job functions.

1 comment:

Xan said...

This could be my dictionary too!! :D