Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Optimistic Impatience

As tends to happen to me on choice occasions, I have been too optimistic. Far too optimistic. When I mailed my graduate applications in order to meet or beat a December 17 deadline, I felt positively sure that I would know--at latest--by February whether said institutions loved me enough to admit me. And to pay me money to attend, but I'll be overjoyed with admittance. I have been out of the academic environment for far, far too long and my withdrawals are getting more extreme. (I know it's ironic and that technically, the more time away from an environment, the fewer withdrawal symptoms I should have--but what can I say? I'm an anomaly)

Imagine my dismay when I checked in with a couple of the places I've applied to learn they mail out decisions in March. Mid-March!! Come to think of it, I should have remembered this from my acceptances to undergraduate programs. They all came around the time of my birthday.

So, breathing deep. Trying to retain some optimism. Come March: Happy birthday to me?

1 comment:

Petra said...

Mid-March? That's insanely late! I found out by the end of January! I curse those programs for you.