Thursday, January 1, 2009

Accountability for my 2008 Goals

So last year, I confessed some things and made some resolutions. In a fit of brilliance, I thought that I might perhaps feel more accountable if I posted goals on my blog.

Well, I'm not entirely sure how brilliant it was, because herein I admit to the status of all my goals:

1. Achieved! Easily achieved. Completely, wholeheartedly achieved. I did not once voluntarily listen to a Celine Dion song. However, since I moved in with a roomie who loves Celine, I have been required to hear Celine twice.

But I'll have you know I didn't enjoy it. Not in the least.

2. I did not follow through with writing or publishing resolutions. Unless writing a heckuva lot of papers for my classes counts. Maybe I'll see if I can re-work and publish them academically since, you know, that's what grad students are supposed to do.

3. I think it's entirely possible I ate a smaller amount of chocolate this year than I did last year. But I have no way of keeping track. So I can pretend, right? If I can't prove I didn't meet this goal, then you can't either.

4. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I didn't see a dentist at all this year. My tooth hasn't hurt all the time. Just off and on. Which means it's psychological, right? (Or better yet, that it will just fall out and then I'll be done with it that way. I mean, it's a backest backmost tooth. Nobody would notice its absence.)

5. My e-mails to my brother never became more frequent, because I'm a slacker pants. However, now that he is home and attends the same university I attend, we spend more time together than before. I consider that an even better type of progress than having sent him more e-mails while he was gone.

6. At certain times of the year, I kept my room tidier. Then I started school, and that goal flew right out the window. Except when I had a paper due. Then my room got very, very tidy.

7. I still can't believe I made a goal for myself to stop gloating. I didn't stop gloating. For me, stopping any kind of gloating would be like ceasing my breath. It would kill me. Or, at the very least, it would kill some of my fun--and that is just as bad.

There you have it. Wait a couple of days, and I may post some goals for this glorious year of 2009. In the meantime, feel free to mock how utterly I failed in meeting most of my 2008 ones . . .


tammyfaye22 said...

I have to admit I'm surprised that you set a goal to stop gloating. Umm, knowing you as I do and having been victim to said gloating myself, I would think you would see that you love it too much to quit. Better luck next time! (Nope, no gloating there!) :)

As far as Celine is concerned, I still think it a great travesty that you don't enjoy her as I do, but you're entitled to your own opinion (even if it is wrong). LOL!

Schmetterling said...

Ninny slacker pants with nasty, chocolate-coated teeth! Ninny slacker pants with nasty, chocolate-coated teeth!

This year, you have me to be accountable to. Won't that just be luvly?

Katie said...

Oh dear Tammy, my opinion of Celine Dion is not wrong at all. We both know it ;)

And Schmet, I expected you to mock . . . but I thought you'd get a bit more inventive than that. I'm a little disappointed in you.

Schmetterling said...

Gimme a break: I'm on vacation!

Jenny said...

Really? You don't like Celine? Wow... Yeah, I'm with Tammy.... You're entitled, even if you're wrong. ^.~

But yeah... dentists are pesky pesky things... >.< Although if you can manage to find a good one, it's all worth it. ^.^; No pain=good. Even if it does only hurt part of the time. (which reminds me... I need to go back... Heh...heh... ehem...*cough*)