Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Next Time I Want to Buy a Cute Pair of Shoes . . .

. . . Please, please, please remind me that when it comes to women's footwear, cute shoes are almost always impractical. Painful to walk in. And result in ugly blisters on the under side of my foot.

Or the upper side of my foot. Or either side of my foot.

And if it seems I'm not listening, please feel free to clobber me over the head with those very cute shoes and drag my unconscious body away from the temptation.



Schmetterling said...

Unfortunately, that is near impossible in cyberspace.

If only...if only....

Jenny said...

Heh... heh... >.O Evil shoes...
Yeah, I'm with ya there. ^.^; Fashion almost always comes with a price...

CJ said...

Do we at least get to see the cute shoes? I finally gave all of my cute, but uncomfortables up to DI in December.

Jamie Lyn said...

Why do we punish ourselves as females for the sake of vanity? I have had many, many pairs of blister-inducing shoes that I would wear while wincing merely because I thought I was making a fashion statement...


But, least corsets and bird's nests hairdos are out.

Jenny said...

Lol. Here here!
"Ya like pain? Try wearing a corset."