Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Goal Updates

I know I promised updates bi-weekly on Sundays, but I have a good excuse for not making my deadline this first time around: due to its lack of functionality--and it causing me pain--I had my gall bladder removed last Friday. So yes, I'm recuperating from surgery. Yes, I'm back at the house with my roommates and no longer on my parents' recliner. (Yes, I really wish I could eat something more interesting, but in the interest of healing properly, I'm keeping my diet bland.) No, I'm not back at school yet. If I'm feeling brave and slightly insane, I'll attempt my Shakespeare class this afternoon. Also, if I realize I can walk the entire length of the house, go down the stairs, walk the length of the basement, and then walk back up the stairs to my room . . . and accomplish all of that without feeling tired.

So without further ado, here is my progress on my goals:

1. I've actually somewhat succeeded in this. I've gotten to bed around 11:30 and I haven't slept past 8. Until this week, of course. But all goals should have built in exceptions. Besides, you try having a regular sleep schedule when you're taking pain medication.

2. For the first two weeks, I did quite well with this as well. Yoga, yoga, I love my yoga. Unfortunately, this too ceased with the removal of an internal organ. (I'm not supposed to do anything strenuous or stretchifying for a little while yet. On the bright side, there's no way I'll really gain any weight because my caloric intake is limited due to my diet limitations. A good friend brought me ice cream yesterday as a get-well gift--and I'll have to stare longingly at it for another few days until I can actually attempt eating it.)

3. I have most definitely thought about going to a dentist. I even started researching dentists in the area. But then stuff happened, and well . . . see 1 and 2.

4. If I had a camera, I'd take a picture to show you just how royally I'm failing at this goal. And will continue to fail until I can actually bend over. Although I suppose I could kneel and sort of shuffle around in order to pick things up and put them back where they go. Perhaps I'll attempt that if I'm too wiped out for my Shakespeare class . . .

5. and 6. I've not procrastinated as much this semester. If anything, I've neglected cleaning my room in favor of staying on top of my school work. All of which flew out the window when . . . well . . . you can finish that sentence.

7. I've not yet made an unrealistic goal! Bully for me. Unless you count me failing in various ways at the above . . .


kathryn said...'re doing great with those goals? Keep up the good work?

Glad you're feeling better!

Jenny said...

Lol. >.< Ouch... Dang, that stinks. I hope you get feelin' better. ^.^;
Yeah, I think we'll forgive you not doing your goals in view of your recent surgery...

Laura said...

Wow, I just discovered your blog. It was fun to read. Good luck with your goals.

tammyfaye22 said...

I know goals were not meant to be broken, but in many ways, they kind of are. Plus, as you mentioned, you had a body part removed, so I think you're doing especially well in light of that!