Tuesday, September 16, 2008

If I Had a Camera . . .

That I carried with me everywhere, I would have taken a picture of myself and my friend this morning--because how we were dressed encapsulates, I think, the differences between an MBA student and an English master's student.

Today, he is wearing a suit.

I am wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and flip flops.

The visual would be that much better if there were actually a visual. Sigh . . .


Annie said...

I would love to see the visual. If we were to choose a degree by apparel, I'd pick a master's in English every time. Casual Friday EVERYDAY! Aw yeah!

What am I talking about? I get to dress casual at work every day. But some day, I do want to see a picture, so take a camera. ;)

Xan said...

My camera is ALWAYS in my bag, for just such an occasion...