Sunday, October 14, 2007

Americans Unhealthy--Not When We're Doubly Insured

When I got my first real-life, 8 to 5, corporate-world job with benefits, you have no idea how excited I was. I felt like an adult (till I looked down at my feet, at least, and remembered the whimsical monkey-and-banana socks I had donned in the morning--after all, they were going to be more than covered by my work pants). So responsible. And as I reviewed the information, I thought of how wonderful it would be to be doubly insured--under my father's insurance and my own. No more medical bills ever!

Ha! Bills came when I sprained my foot, and now my father's insurance company has decided they were mis-billed for insurance, since the insurance provided through my place of work should CLEARLY have been billed as primary.

Except here's the thing: when my work insurance became active, we checked and double-checked and triple-checked the guidelines for both companies to see which should be primary. Neither of them had any guidelines that specified when they should or should not be secondary. How evil is that?

So today I came home to find an itemized list from Daddy's insurance company, demanding payment from my other carrier. This is why I'm tempted to use the medical insurance plan Shawn Spencer talks about in Pysch: "Don't get sick." Seems much easier than dealing with a bunch of bureacratic crappy, crappy red tape.

This, I have decided, is why medical costs skyrocket--taking care of the costs causes unmitigated levels of stress, and we all know where those lead . . .

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