Friday, August 1, 2008


Some days I'm tempted to post a completely blank entry in order to see how people would respond. If people would respond. Because I am the sort of person who tends to analyze. At least, when it comes to anything written, I tend to analyze.

And if no context exists for some things, then I tend to invent context. So I know that if someone posted a blank blog entry, I'd find myself compelled to reading all of the other entries on that page.

Of course, it could be completely unrelated. But it would be blank. The only way to know the context I invented was wrong would be to say something about it.

In the course of recent communications, I've found that context is a funny thing. Whereas offense is a thing rarely given on purpose, but always taken---context is something both given and taken.

Thoughts, anyone?


Thirdmango said...

I actually posted a blank entry with a one word subject just a couple days ago, you should see the comments I've gotten.

Th. said...


Done it.

Katria said...

Sometimes I think about doing things like that. You know, to see if anyone would comment.