Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Guilty Pleasures

Dear Moviebuffy,

(Yes, I know who you are. But I'll address you by your 'nym.) You asked about guilty pleasures. Now you do realize that in order for something to be a guilty pleasure, a person must feel--to one degree or another--guilt while doing something?

Have I ever struck you as the guilty type?

Even so, I suppose there must be some things I do that make me feel marginally guilty. So here you go. You asked, and you will receive.

Your friend (and not just acquaintance),
Confuzzled (even though y'all know my actual name, a 'nym for a 'nym seems more equal)

So without further ado, here they are:

  • Eating chocolate chips straight from the bag.
  • "Fat girl nights" in which I eat pretty much all of the following: frozen pizza, breadsticks, cookie dough, at least two varieties of ice cream, at least two candy bars, baked cookies, and Swedish fish. (No, I don't do this often. And no, I don't know where all of it goes once I packed it in. And no, it has never caused me to explode.)
  • Walking around the house in my slip when I get home from church, it's hot, and my roommates are gone for the weekend. (Hey, you asked!)
  • Singing the theme songs to the Disney Afternoon cartoons of my childhood. (Sometimes, some crimes go slippin' through the cracks, but these two gumshoes are picking up the slack. There's no case too big, no case too small, when you need help just call Ch-ch-ch-chip and Dale, Rescue Rangers . . .)
  • Daylong Gilmore Girls marathons. (And I'm talking all day. It's not the show that causes the guiltiness, but the time frame.)
  • Hanson. Yes. I own more than one Hanson CD. Mock away, friends. Mock away. They got better as they got older. Mellower. Marginally less girly-looking, too.
  • Collecting Scrabble words as I'm talking to people I'd rather not converse with. (I never remember the gist of the conversations, but I try to keep tally of any good 7-letter words I could use in a game.)
  • Belting out songs I do not have the range for while accompanying myself.
  • Facebook, anyone?
  • Saturday morning superhero cartoons. For when I want to feel like a kid again.


Xan said...

First: we need to fat girl night it...and second, all day Gilmore Marathons are NOT a guilty pleasure! ;)

Katie said...

In re First: any time! My schedule is decidedly free any time after this Friday.

As for second, I'm not so sure . . . but like I said, it's more of a laziness complex. I feel like I should be doing things in the course of a day, you know? ;)

Anonymous said...

Gummi beeeears, bouncing here and there and everywhere!!!

Yes, the cartoons are my favorite as well. We could have a round going of great tv show theme songs.
I love the idea of fat girls night as well. I like gal pals, and I like (trying to) get fat with them. And you are my friend! Of course.

Schmetterling said...

Commenting on posts that I have no absolutely no business commenting on is one of MY guilty pleasures, so--do I get to come to fat girl night?

Schmetterling said...

[Um. If you deign the above worthy of response, please tell me no.]

Katie said...

If you want me to tell you no, then why ask? (Silly boy.)

But no. Because if you came, I'd have to call it a fat person night . . . and that just doesn't have the same ring ;)

Jenny said...

Gilmore Girls and Hanson? ^.^ Yeay! And yeah, Hanson got a lot better when they got older... Not that it's a guilty pleasure of mine... No...