Saturday, April 5, 2008

Fun with Books

Th. told me to, so here goes.

I intended to do this while at work, but realized none of the HR books lurking around my office are more than 120 pages long.  (Which is probably a good thing, or I'd spend all of my time at work reading, maintaining that it was "research" and I was improving my value to the company.)

Anyway, the nearest book turned out be Jasper Fforde's Something Rotten, and the magic sentence is:

"Can't wait.  Hubba-hubba!  Who's the moppet in the tight blouse?"

All right, so that's three.  But they're all short and on the same line.

And all of a sudden, this book seems a lot more risque than it actually is . . .

1 comment:

ewj said...


Somehow I missed this earlier -- what a find! So much better than any of the others I've seen.

I've still only read the first of those, but I have three (including SR). I need to pick up another.