Monday, March 24, 2008

Why I Need to Always Return Library Books on Time

Maybe it's just me, but I always feel like the librarian is judging me when I bring back an overdue book.
Actually, I know it's not just me.  My roommate feels the same way if she incurs fines.  It's a guilt issue.
Kenneth Burke could probably have a heyday examining our lives and consciences.  (If he's still alive.)
That said, I ended up actually defending myself to a bemused librarian this Saturday: "I finished this book two weekends ago, but it somehow slid under my bed.  And I know I should clean my room more often, but I just didn't get around to it.  The book, by the way, was excellent.  And I'm really sorry I incurred this fine, and I'm not trying to talk my way out of it, but I know other people have it on hold, and I'm very sorry.  Very, very sorry."
By the way, I didn't breathe at all in that whole discourse.
The librarian, who had taken a breath to (I had assumed) chastise me for my negligence, smiled and asked if I would like to pick up the book they had on hold for me.
I swear I could hear laughter while she retrieved it.  Even though she was straight-faced when she came back.
At least she looked indubitably impressed when I paid the fine on the spot.


Katya said...

When I was little, I thought that librarians got paid from overdue fines. I mean, how else would they get paid, right?

Janel said...

Take it from someone who worked in a public library for six years: you're not getting judged. The only way that would happen would be if you called and said that your house burned down and the book was in the house, and THEN you returned the book. (I know of someone who actually did that, except it was with CDs. Nerd.)

I always return things late still. Very bad habit for me. :)