Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Look-Alikes of the Un-Evil Variety

I've been searching high and low for a Ray Bradbury short story I read forever and twenty years ago.  (All right, so it was probably five to ten years ago, but why can't a girl engage in a little hyperbole now and then?)  Anyway, the main character is looking through a bunch of old yearbooks and he keeps finding himself in the pages.  Not, that is, that he attended a bunch of different high schools.  He just keeps finding exact look-alikes who had the same looks and the same apparent personality (they participated in the same activities, showed up in the same types of candids, etc.).
This story, I admit, intrigued and disturbed me.  I found it fascinating to think there might be another me somewhere else.  And I found it disturbing because I like to think of myself as being so unique there's absolutely no possibility of another person being remotely like me.  But apparently I have a twin, of sorts, in Taiwan.  Or so my friend Steve tells me.  And I usually believe what Steve says.  You should visit his blog.  It's the GreenTaiwan link.
Anyway, I found it mildly amusing--and also frustratingly disarming--he had traveled halfway around the world to find himself in the company of someone who remind him of me.  What can I say?  I guess I'm a bit of an egotist . . .  Besides, who wants a doppelganger?  Whether the doppelganger is actually an evil twin or not?
And here's the part where I get a tad confessional: she, too, keeps a blog.  Steve has a link to her blog on his blog.  And I began to peruse her blog in order to find out all of the possible ways she could not be like me.  But after scanning her blog, I could only reach one conclusion: this girl is much, much cooler--and I can only be flattered she reminded Steve of me.


eleka nahmen said...

I still think you're cooler. :)

Katie said...

Aw thanks :) I'm blushing. Or maybe I'm flushed because my office is 40 million degrees . . . nah, I think I'm blushing

Katya said...

10 minutes later . . .

The story is "Nothing Changes." It appears in the collection "Driving Blind."

(Why do people not come to me in the first place with these questions?)

Katie said...


First, *Blushes again, but this time with deep, deep shame*

Nextly,I have this pride issue that combines with this ego issue. . . I tend to think that if I can't find it, it can't be found.

Lastly, I forget I have an excellent resource in you. Shame one me! I'm slapping my own hand for you :)

Katie said...

P.S. Katya, you rock. Honestly.

Katya said...

Well, I do have a master's degree in the field, so it shouldn't have to be a pride issue. :)

Mary said...

Steve has told me about you too; I'd be lying if I didn't say that I'm totally flattered by your post. Thanks for the shout out!