Friday, February 1, 2008

Change in Venue and Question

When my roommate told me we would both be moving by the end of this month, I admit I felt a certain surge of panic.  Who can find a reasonable place to live in a month?  We looked for a month and a half before we settled on the apartment we currently live in--a search time span that always saddened me when I thought about just how ghetto our apartment can be.  And how much nicer (albeit slightly more expensive) many of the places we looked were.
Anyway, I thought my options would be slim.  I preferred to stay in the boundaries of this ward.  This is the first singles ward I've fallen in love with.  Or maybe just deep, deep like.  Everyone is nice, everyone has their own brand of quirkiness they don't deny, and everyone gets along with everyone.  Seriously--with this ward, gone are the things of my past wards: the back-biting in order to win the favor of the Most Eligible New Male, the gossiping, the outright disagreement between people, the cliques.
I'm officially no longer worried about the move or staying in ward boundaries as I move.  Apparently, quite a few girls in my ward are in the market for a roommate.  I looked at a house on Wednesday--nice, with my own room--but the room wouldn't be able to fit my bed, my desk, my bookshelves and me if I ever wanted to close the door.  Or, for that matter, have room for maneuvering.
As soon as I left that appointment, I heard about another girl in the ward looking for a roommate.  Her sister and current roommate is biting the dust (i.e. getting married, not dying) and she has an open room.  It would fit my desk, my bookshelves, my bed, and me with plenty of room for maneuvering.  But her sister isn't moving until the end of March and I'm being booted at the end of this month.  My parents agreed to be an in-between stop, if necessary.
And this is the thing about Option 2: she turned around and started talking to me before Relief Society a couple of weeks ago, and I had a definite voice in my head tell me I would get to know her better.  When I heard she was looking for a roommate, I thought, "Is that what that meant?"  Or was I being inspired to just be chummy with a girl I already thought fabulous?
Facebook, I must say, is a magical thing.  I resisted joining for a long time, because so many people were joining and I always hate doing something just because everybody else does.  That's just such a lame reason for doing anything . . .  but I caved and joined a while back.  Upon learning of the move, my status line changed shortly thereafter to "Em's moving on, so I'm moving out."  It was a subtle send-up to a Billy Joel song and expressed what I needed to, but oh dear! it caused a panicked ripple effect among girls in the ward.
And as a bonus, option 3 sent a message this morning mentioning a vacant room in her apartment.  So now I find myself with a difficult decision, indeed, and it isn't of the where-in-the-heck-do-I-live variety.  No, it's:
Who in the heck do I choose to live with?


Th. said...


Is Petra too far a commute?

eleka nahmen said...

Seriously, just wait for the stars to align. The right choice is the one that just works out, I've found time and time again.

Katie said...

th.--Alas, Petra is far too far a commute, but she will be my spring vacation destination this year.

eleka--Thanks :)