Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Having Multiple Areas of Interest

In life, I'd have to say that all of the most interesting people I've known have always had multiple areas of interest. Many things they are interested in. While yes, reading and language and such-like are my primary interests, I like to think that I have multiple areas of interest and that having those interests makes me an interesting human being.

What I forgot about grad school (yes, in the approximately three to four ish months that I've been gone): graduate school requires, yea verily--demands--a narrowing of multiple interests to something finite that can be included in a statement of purpose.

To which, tonight, I say:


1 comment:

Schmetterling said...

I'm kinda having the opposite problem right now: as I kill off the last couple semesters of my undergraduate career, I'm forced to take all of the GE's I procrastinated early on, so I find myself in Biology 100 and an introductory history class when I'd much rather be more focused on one of my various interests than any number of subjects I'm not at all interested in.