Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Random Conversations

Sometimes, I don't even know how things pop into my brain. But sometimes they result in interesting conversations. To wit:

On Saturday, while I did some laundry, I bemoaned how long it was taking. And then I told my roommate that I wished I had Superman's powers because it probably wouldn't take Superman long to wash his clothes. My philosophy was (and I guess, still is) this: he could a) hand wash his clothes super fast and shake them around to dry them super fast or b) if he can fly around the world fast enough to go back in time, couldn't he fly forward in time...and just throw his clothes in the wash, make time speed by...and then throw his clothes in the dryer and make time speed by...and then voila, have his laundry be done?

I'm sure there's some sort of theoretical error to that, and I'm not even sure why it came to mind that if I were Superman, I could do my laundry faster... Anyway, my roommate put an end to the conversation when, as I continued to think out loud, I asked: "Do you think Superman has to do laundry less often because he wears his underwear outside his clothing?"

I don't know. What do you think?


Katya said...

This scene from The Big Bang Theory is pertinent to the conversation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1tGMlsoWgQ

Katie said...

Sheldon's argument is likewise a quick way for Superman to do at least part of his laundry...

After I got to work today, I actually started wondering if Superman would have less or more laundry than the average person. Because he has his costumes and he has all of his normal Clark Kent clothing.

As I recall, it was a running joke on Lois & Clark that he was hard on clothes...

Katya said...

"After I got to work today, I actually started wondering if Superman would have less or more laundry than the average person."

Interesting question! I likewise remember an L&C episode where Clark's dad washed his cape with one of his white dress shirts and turned the shirt pink. ("Dad, no Superpower on the earth can get this out!")

But in L&C, they said that Superman's costume was invulnerable (to bullets, etc.) because he generated this tiny forcefield / aura that made the costume invulnerable. I would think that that would also take care of his laundry issues, at least where the costume was concerned.

Also, I loved how the early episodes of L&C played with a lot of the "real life" issues he might have with the costume such as when and where to change, and how to make it look.

Anthony Esposito said...

Optimism, pessimism; good times, bad times: we all need to keep our center, which is another word for the soul, and we must all communicate. "Resolve what stands between you and your loved one." Start a conversation with AJEMediation.com.